Best Free Animals Stock Pictures & Video Clips
You’ll love all of our free stock photos and video footage of animals. We have an online zoo of pictures and film clips dedicated to all kinds of creatures. Stock images and videos of birds, fish, horses, cats, dogs, lions, tigers, and many more animals! All royalty free CC0 and ready to use in your commercial and personal projects.
Horses Pasture Fence

Butterfly Close up

Colorful Fishes

Bald Eagle

Horse Portrait Face

Whale Ocean Water

Bird Flying Sky

Squirrel Nature Eating

Elephants Africa

Bird Tree

Dog Outside

Koi Fish

Swans Swimming

House Cat

Pasture Grazing

Bird Perched

Bird Wildlife

Cow Cattle

Bird Diving

Horse Pasture

Butterfly Insect

Grasshopper Macro

Monkey Portrait

Frog Green Wild

Monkey Wall Animal

Jellyfish Blue

Bison Wildlife

Ravin Bird Close up

Seagulls on Beach

Pelican in Water

Koi Fish

Frog on Green Leaf

Hawk Perched in Tree

Lake bird and mountain

Hawk Hand Glove

Crow on Tree

Horse Countryside

White Horse in Pasture

Rocky Cliff and Bird

Bird Flying in Clouds

Horses in Pasture

Horse in Pasture

Wild Puffins

Horse Eye Closeup

Bird in Water

Beagle Closeup

Green Parrot

White Heron in Water

Man and Dog

Green Gecko

Horse Pasture

Winter Birds Swimming

Jelly Fish

Cat Wearing Bow

Tiger Staring

Lemur Looking Up

Owl Close Up

Bald Eagle Close Up

Lion Resting

Bird Flying in a Clear Sky