A great-looking wallpaper or background is important because it is something that you will see often and can sometimes lead to inspiration when stuck in a rut. Desktop wallpapers are something that you look at more than you would think and having a boring one does you no good.
Finding a great wallpaper is very easy and, in this list, you will find an assortment of wallpapers ranging from aurora borealis to a pile of jelly beans. Download one that fits your personality or brings you comfort and joy.
A gorgeous view of Paris and the Eiffel Tower at Night.A very colorful and vibrant picture to bring more personality to your computer’s wallpaper.A different view of New York City along with the beautiful Manhattan sunset.A misty Hong Kong skyline at night.A lively and colorful Christmas background to make your desktop match the holiday season.A classic look at the Northern Lights.Watermelon seated in front of a blue background.A very clean looking background for those who love to cook.A look outside blurred by the rain.A swirl of pink and blue colors to brighten your background up.A pile of limes to give your desktop a nice green look.For all the minimalists out there who want a very simple background.A great look at the San Francisco night sky with a wonderful view of the East Bay in the background.A look into the space cosmos with a nice mixture of colors.An amazing shot of the Milky Way and the vastness of it all.A unique view of drinking straws that resemble the look of a rainbow.A bokeh photo of a cluster of lights. This is sure to draw attention to it because of the uniqueness of this photo.This photo is one of my favorite photos and is currently my desktop wallpaper. A calming photo of a man with a flashlight under the night sky.This background offers an amazing view of a mountain landscape. A nice mixture of colors makes this a great background.A look at a snowy mountain and the stars in the night sky. This is a very calming and soothing background.Another personal favorite of mine. This calming image of the beautiful aurora borealis will look good on anything.This simple background is made up of a cutting board, knife, bread, and green leaves. Another great background for those who love to cook.Another bright and vibrant background full of color. Similar to the straws pictured earlier, but more aesthetically pleasing.A colorful city sidewalk view with a man walking by. This wonderful blend of colors makes a terrific background.A nice minimalistic photo of a shot above the clouds. This is a very clean looking photo that would make a wonderful background.A nice symmetrical door that has a great look to it. If you like symmetry, this background is for you.A nice vibrant photo of plants. If you want a nice nature background then look no further.A batch of strawberries just bursting with color.A beautiful photo of the sun setting behind the mountains with a calming river in the foreground.A photo of three colorful Easter eggs. This photo makes for a very festive background in the springtime.Another photo of the city of Hong Kong’s skyline. This time with more visible clouds, giving this photo a dark and sleek appearance.A great Christmas bokeh photo. With the popularity of bokeh photos this one is certainly unique and separates itself from the rest.The only monochrome background to make the list. This wood texture gives a nice visually appealing look.Food lovers, here’s another great selection for you. This photo is very clean, with the brightly-colored vegetables looking great against the dark background.This stone path background gives a feel of hope to me. The way the sun reflects off the path makes the photo looking stunning.Here is a great photo: a flower in bloom to match the Spring season. Use this photo as a background to bring spring feeling to your computer.For lovers of art here is a great background. This is a photo of paintbrushes and an artists’ painting.This photo of a dry rock bed has a clean and warm look to it.A nice and colorful picture of sour candy. For those with a sweet tooth, this background is perfect for you.A colorful photo of fabric. Rainbow-type pictures like these make for great-looking backgrounds.A very aesthetically pleasing photo of a wood texture. Personally, I love photos of textures like this one.As I mentioned above, I love wood texture photos. But if you want more going on in your background, this photo of a salad on a wood table is ideal for you.Treat your computer background to a spa day with this great photo of spa products.This photo shows just how vast the solar system is and will make a wonderful and interesting desktop background.Another Spring flower photo to give your computer a nice and warm feeling. Bring the Spring feeling inside with this background.Titled “Feet Forward”, this black and white photo has a very aesthetically pleasing feel to it. This photo will make a great background.Another background of fruit for all the fruit lovers out there. These raspberries will surely bring a nice vibrant color to your computer.The last background on this list is another festive one. With Easter right around the corner, get into the mood with this background of Easter eggs.